Drawing the parts for boots. It is important which leg you are focusing and which part of the shoe you draw on certain place. Because the fur needs to go certain direction for boot not be slippery. I made one mistake on drawing and one stitching parts together but the teacher saved me both times. O is for right and V is for left.
Making of Nutukkaat, Part 4
First day of work shop. I was little bit suspicious that I would ever finish my boots looking like the ready ones do... We got mystery package of reindeer legs and opened it carefully. Legs were stored in salt and they were still bit frozen. Freezer is the storage place. First stage was "mäskäys", making the leather side clean and ready for bark water which we made earlier.
Flat Bread With Mummu
I have a mission to learn the secrets of Mummu's flat bread. Mummu is Ämmi's mother (my husbands grandmother) and lives about an one hour and half away from here. It's a day trip when we visit her. Mummu needs to know beforehand when we are coming so she can start heating the baking oven the day before. Oven needs to be really hot, about 300 celsius.
This time my sister in law was with us. She likes to bake too and so does our son. So we did bake! It is a hard job to make flat bread from the dough that weights 8 kg. It makes about 15 big flat breads. Mummu and my sister in law are resting after the bake day.