We are heading next week to our other Mummola. My parents live at the countryside about 600 km south from Kaukonen. Even though we are not spending Easter here, I wanted to do some traditional Easter decoration over here. We picked birch and willow branches but wondered where are the little kittens.
I brought the branches inside and after few days some green leaves started to show, but no catkins, furry kittens. Well, okay a couple but not like I'm used to see. I think it's something to do with fast growth in Lapland. My guess is that it was too warm inside the house and the willow thought that it's summer and skipped the catkins phase.
Decorations for the branches are strips of cloth. Lucky we have loads for carpet weaving! Ämmi told me that the green one is from her childhood, bed linen that she and her sister got for present some 50 years ago. Could she ever had wondered that her sons wife is using that cloth for weaving carpet and grandson is happily tying those strips for Easter decoration.
Ämmi and my sister in law Nora had made these wondering Easter witches many years ago. The one below flies in the Gray cottage.